Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meeting New People

So I wanted to blog about all of the new people that I am meeting while on this endeavor. I am so impressed with the excitement that is swirling about the ADT. Whether the ADT be someones first marathon or 50th, a runner is a runner, and we all enjoy talking about it!

I love the emails I get that lead into wonderful discussions. People have sent me pictures of themselves at the finish of other races, or running other races, and many conversations turn into chit chats about what they are doing to train, the distance of his/her last run, or the fun places people are running. Either way, I am a runner, and I love talking running with others.

I have also gotten to meet some amazing people. We have so many types of people running the marathon, or half, and it is so fun to learn about them. I have mentioned that I am currently training for a marathon (4 weeks away) and so I often get asked advice. I can only offer what I have learned from personal experience. And since we are all different, I believe one person's optimal training plan may look different from another's; however, it is enjoyable to share ideas - and hear other's ideas as well!

One thing I realized this last week was that whatever your goal is, YOU need to be happy with it. I took time last year to run ultra distances. I slowed down tremendously to enjoy trails, nature, and my dog. I really enjoyed that time because I had the goal to go a certain distance (speed didn't matter) and I achieved that goal. I wouldn't have won any races, but that wasn't the goal. My point is, running is very individual and I love hearing about all the individuals taking part in the ADT.

Whether your goal be to finish your first marathon, or half-marathon, or to do a personal record, be proud of your goal and complete it the fullest!

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." Confucius


  1. Very well written! It is so nice hearing about your positive experience as Race Director!!!

  2. Hear, hear - nicely said.
