Saturday, January 31, 2009

Registration Opens Tomorrow!

I know in the past registration day has not been a big deal, but this year we have made the promise to have it ready and available tomorrow, February 1, and it will happen! It will be ready to go by noon. Like I have mentioned in the past, the walk-in/mail-in registration form was a small feat in itself with the liability waiver, including everything necessary, and trying to keep it to one page, which we did. We hope that most will register on, however, like in the past. We discount our prices by $10 to promote this.

So getting all of the information into Active is another accomplishment in itself. Thank goodness, another devoted volunteer has committed to do this task year after year and worked with me today to tweak things! Adding the relay, added challenges as far as the issue of how registration is done. So if you are registering for the relay, it will be done by the team captain. Then, a waiver form, which can be downloaded from the website will be signed by all runners, and turned in at packet pick-up. I ran a 6-person relay from Ft. Collins to Steamboat Springs a couple of years ago, yes-195 miles and 27 hours later, and I had to reflect on how that registration was handled. (Funny thing is, several members of that team are on the ADTM race committee.) We also researched some others and this seemed the most simple way, so that is how it has ended up. Relay packets will be distributed to any team member that brings that "team waiver form" signed by all members.

Although Active is very thorough, it is not the website, so please make sure you read up on all of the details on the website if you have questions...and if you are reading this, I am not concerned! :) The workload for the race goes up and down right now. It was on cruise control for a week, and then with a deadline came a few hours of work. Most of all, the work is spread out and so many people offer additional help where necessary - thank you! The website continues to be modified and even today I discovered that some great pictures were added!

If you live in Colorado you know we are starting to get some great running days! Lace up those shoes and enjoy the outdoors. Suppose to be a little chilly tomorrow then back up in the 60's by Wednesday, woohoo!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Keeping Up with Things-

The registration is being worked on now, with Active and the walk-in/mail-in form. Both are very time consuming and we want to keep things simple, yet cover everything, which is difficult! This is one aspect that I never really thought of as a runner, even being on the race committee-among many others. So, in saying that, registration should be all ready to go on February 1st. Remember if you do it on, you will save $10 on fees.

Marc, my husband and course manager this year, has been working on putting together some fun ideas for aid stations. We have some great "regular" volunteers that he will be contacting soon. We would love to add some new volunteers to the fun this year as well. I won't announce his ideas until he sends his letter, but if I forget, someone remind me!

It is funny, because no one is posting comments to this, but many are telling me that they are reading this! Some of you ask me about something I wrote and remind me quickly of something I was suppose to do, oops! I usually get on it the next day. A few times ago I must have wrote about meeting with sponsors on this last Monday...that didn't end up happening because of a scheduling conflict! Jenn, my partner in crime for now, was off running a marathon in Phoenix over the weekend. We ended up postponing those meetings. However, we are both working individually on that process. We both have calls in as we speak! :)

So, for now, things are cruising along! The website is not complete-the elevation chart is temporary and the real ones are still being worked on. The registration will open on February 1. Our committee is working hard to make it a good race. So if you don't hear for a bit, there is not much to say at the moment! Keep running, stay healthy!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Website and Things Now...

Well now that the website is mostly put together, we are working on fine tuning the details on it! We are still putting together the elevation charts which should be done very soon. We are also working on finishing up with adding some pictures and other details that we did not have when constructing it originally.

We are pleased with how many of you have taken the time to look at it and offer feedback and corrections...oops! There was so much time put into this and even though much detail was taken, it all started to blend together after several hours. Thank you for your help with the details. Those changes will be seen soon. :)

Now that the website is put together, many race details are in place, so that means the race committee is able to focus on some fun things...what fun things can we find for the race bags? What changes in shirts are we looking for this year? What fantastic medal is waiting to be designed for our runners?

Let's talk running (my favorite subject) is now January, so we have made it past the shortest day of the year! If you are a first time marathoner and planning to run this marathon, you may want to start a 5k program now to be ready to increase you mileage in spring. Pikes Peak Road Runners hosts plenty of spring 5ks to get you motivated! Find something that works for you. I like to set some little goals on the way to the big one!

"Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence."
Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Charging Forward!

I would like to thank the race committee for all of their hard work that they have done thus far! Putting on a race is not a small feat. I am communicating daily with two or three of the committee members on their tasks at hand and everyone is working to make this a fantastic set of races this year!

We continually add details to the website, so if something is missing, feel free to check back or even send me an email and we will make sure your questions get answered!

I am not sure I have talked about Pasta in the Park yet. We have changed our prerace dinner this year to be in America the Beautiful Park on Sunday afternoon/evening from 4-6pm. We will have our pace team there for you to meet. We are also working on having an interesting speaker, but that will be kept a surprise for now. This will be a kid friendly event, as there is a great playground close by. Your children will be able to enjoy it the next day while you are running as well.

Speaking of children, we have a Kids Fun Run on race day. We will have two distances, shorter for toddlers and one mile for all ages beyond toddler. We want this to be a weekend that everyone can participate in! Start putting together your plans, friends, and family for whatever event you choose, it will be a blast!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


As you can see, the website is up and running! It looks fantastic, in my opinion! Thank you to all of the hard work that went into it. Back to work so my blog has to be cut short. Talk more later.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Website and Then Some!

So much work has been done in the past few weeks, I can't begin to tell you every detail that goes into the planning of a marathon, and the races that accompany it.

I have filled out the applications for RRCA to be regional championship races, the half and the full. If we do not get regional, we will most likely get state championship.

The web designer and I have been communicating daily about the website. I cannot believe the intricate details that are involved with this masterpiece. I hope you love it as much as we do! It is amazing and should be up and running this week. Pictures will be added, and other details to finalize it.

I am finishing up the registration form. It is also a large task that when finished, appears to be quite simple. The legalities and small items involved on each line take quite a bit of leg work and thinking. For example, when you have walk-in registration, you need to call the running stores and get the okay for this. Another small step is the "terms and conditions" section on entry forms. There is a lot to think about. What about dates for early entry versus regular entry. Should there be race day registration? How will that be handled if there is? In the meantime, I have the relay coordinator emailing the AFA obtaining approval for our leg exchange, and our Pasta in the Park coordinator receiving bids on pasta meals, and our permit coordinator sending emails to check the status on our permits, and many other things...and so much more!

Running keeps me sane! I hear reasons for why people run and one of the best ones was, "It is my prescription!" Over the past two weeks, I have refound that passion for running. I love running again. (Christmas Break) Since I am teacher when I am not a race director, I have been able to be a runner when I have not been a race director lately. It has been amazing. I go back to teaching 5th graders next Tuesday, but will try to keep you updated! Happy running!