The signs are just about done! More than 50 of them are sitting in my family room right now, under construction, but hours away from completion. I had to get on and tell all of you in hopes of some sort of celebration. I think this may be the one part of race directing that I absolutely WON'T miss. The great news, once the signs are done, they are done. This is not a project that comes back every year.
Speaking with Travis, the past race director and great friend of mine, last night, we both agreed that these signs were well overdue. Since the first set lasted 8 years, hopefully these will last AT LEAST that long. I know as a runner, I don't normally even pay attention to the signs, but have realized they set the overall tone of a race. However, as a race director, I have been observing signs at ALL of the races I have attended or participated in lately. Many races have great ideas, and I used some with a little tweaking. I hope that you all, my blog followers, will appreciate the hard work and thought that went into these signs, and take them all in on race day!